Sleep better with mindfulness meditation with M. Joseph Emet, Dr en Musique
Thursday 7:15 - 9:00pm - Starting Sept 29, 2011 - $350 /8 week course
Sleep problems are related to other problems such as anxiety, worry, regret, depression, anger and stress. These problems do not just suddenly disappear when we turn off the light at night. They turn into sleep disturbances. Sometimes it is not a Problem with a capital P that causes sleep disturbance, but a common habit we all have: the habit of mentally being somewhere else or doing something else. If your body is lying in bed but your mind is having an argument with your boss or teenage son, you will soon be more ready for shadow boxing than for sleeping. The body does not know the difference between a real argument and an imaginery one. In both cases it gets tense and all worked up. "Be here and now", the mantra of mindfulness practice, specifically addresses this habit. Mndfulness training is the ideal tool for dealing with sleep difficulties: we do not have to learn how to sleep. We only have to be aware of how we prevent ourselves from sleeping.
This course will cover the basis of mindfulness training focusing on sleep. Participants will get a new CD of guided meditation every two weeks for home use.
Joseph Emet trained with the Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh at Plum Village, France, and was appointed a Dharma teacher in his tradition. He has written A Basket of Plums, a boxed book with two CD's of practice songs published by Parallax Press, articles for the Reality Therapy Journal (he trained in Reality Therapy couselling with William Glasser, MD, and is certified), articles on health and nutrition for Healthy Living and Alive magazines, has a doctorate in music from Boston University, and has been a Fullbright scholar.
Joseph is the founding teacher of the Mindfulness Meditation Centre in Montreal, and in that capacity, he has taught mindfulness meditation skills to a few thousand people during the last 14 years.
Fiche d'inscription
Information et inscription: 514-272-2832
6000 Côte-des-Neiges, ste 115, Montréal, Qc
6000 Côte-des-Neiges, ste 115, Montréal, Qc, H3S 1Z8
6000 Côte-des-Neiges, ste 115, Montréal, Qc, H3S 1Z8